Tag: Kieran Cavanna

Thematic Investors: Scott Bessent a Global Macro Veteran on the Path Ahead

Thematic Investors: Scott Bessent a Global Macro Veteran on the Path Ahead

Legendary basketball coach Pat Riley was once quoted as saying, “Keep the main thing, the main thing”, which is a great tip for anyone wishing to enter the field of macro investing on the global stage. Everyone has similar data but the secret is how you interpret that intelligence in terms of risk, economic indicators, and even a bit of financial market history. 

In this latest installment of the Thematic Investors podcast, host Kieran Cavanna welcomes a guest who has successfully blended those aspects into becoming one of the great macro thinkers in the hedge fund world. Scott Bessent, Founder of Key Square Capital, has built his career from early investigative journalism roots to a financial analyst at Brown Brothers Harriman, to a Middle Eastern family office, and on to becoming the CIO of Soros Fund Management. Delve into a captivating discussion with Scott as he offers insights into global financial markets spanning Japan, China, Europe, and the United States, unveiling the future landscape for investors and emerging trends.

Further highlights from Scott include: 

  • how a Yale Career Advisory job posting, (complete with sofa bed) led him to reboot his career focus after being on the fence as a computer scientist or journalist.
  • his transfer to the London office of Soros Fund Management, and his big bet on the Quantum Fund.
  • a view of data analytics today and how his investment style is a mix of liberal arts, math, and Excel formulas.
  • his thoughts around the abuse of the “exorbitant privilege” in the United States, and what that means for national security and the future debt trajectory.
  • his run-in with Sam Bankman-Fried.
  • thoughts on artificial intelligence and whether it’s inflationary or deflationary, and how hyperscalers who are investing trillions in new data center projects may be working us towards an electricity shortage.
  • how the lead-up to the 2024 election is impacting financial markets and what sort of outcomes could occur if a Republican or Democrat becomes president.  
  • And more


Connect with Kieran Cavanna: 

Thematic Investors: Stuart Mitchell on the Investment Sale Across Europe

Thematic Investors: Stuart Mitchell on the Investment Sale Across Europe

When looking at European investments how will the UK, France, Germany, Spain, and Italy align on energy transition, innovative technology growth, financial services, and more? How can institutional investors capture this market when comparing them against more attractive U.S. opportunities?

In our latest episode of the Thematic Investors podcast, host, Kieran Cavanna, speaks with Stuart Mitchell, Managing Partner | CIO and Investment Manager, S.W. Mitchell Capital LLP. Learn more about Stuart’s background that took him from studying medieval history through the values of detaching emotions from investing, an appreciation of analytical research, and managing over $2bn AUM of European equity assets. 

Stuart discusses: 

  • His background in investing and how he shed the bureaucracy, controls, procedures, and politics of large organizations and created his own investment firm.
  • How the UK market differs in valuations, sectors, and discounts when compared to America and why this isn’t explained by profitability or growth rates.
  • The fanatic move to electric vehicles and other forms of energy in light of oil demand going up in the short term just to keep supply and production at stable levels.
  • Why is Europe having a Hamiltonian moment? What investments will be prioritized by a joining of European states in terms of infrastructure, energy, defense, and more? 
  • How are investment opportunities in defense positioned across the UK and will it ever go above 2% in GDP? If extra spending does occur (due to geopolitical events) why would America get the investment?
  • Why are alternative investments (from BP, Chevron, Exxon, and others) in wind, solar, and hydrogen simply not covering their costs of capital and are predicted to lose money over the long term.
  • European banks appear stronger than those in the US when reviewed for capitalization, leveraged ratios, liquidity, and more.  
  • how culture plays a role in hiring people at S.W. Capital, from year-long internships to individual specialized areas of expertise.
  • And more!

Please note that the information covered and posted represents the views and opinions of the guest and does not necessarily represent the views or opinions of Vidrio Financial and or our host, Kieran Cavanna. The content has been made available for informational and educational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional investing advice. Always seek the advice of your financial advisor or other qualified financial service provider with any questions you may have regarding investment planning.

Connect with Kieran Cavanna: 

Connect with Stuart Mitchell:

About Stuart Mitchell:

Stuart is the Managing Partner and CIO of S. W. Mitchell Capital and the Investment Manager of the SWMC European Fund, as well as a number of managed accounts.

Prior to founding SWMC in 2005, Stuart was a Principal, Director, and Head of Specialist Equities at J O Hambro Investment Management (JOHIM, now Waverton Investment Management). At JOHIM he set up and managed the Charlemagne Fund, a long/short European fund, and the JOHIM European Fund, a long-only European fund. The JOHIM European Fund rose by 133%, from inception in December 1998 until March 2005, compared with 8% for the benchmark index. It was rated number one within its sector by Micropal as well as awarded three stars by Standard & Poor’s.

Upon leaving university in 1987, Stuart joined Morgan Grenfell Asset Management (MGAM) and soon afterward assumed responsibility for managing the continental European equity assets for MGAM’s British pension fund clients. Stuart was appointed a Director of MGAM in 1996. He subsequently took on the role of Head of European Equities and was responsible for $27 billion of equity assets. Whilst at MGAM he managed the Morgan Grenfell European Fund, which rose by 123% from January 1990 to June 1996, compared with 85% for the benchmark index. It was awarded first place in its sector in the Micropal Five Year Awards in 1996.

Stuart was born in Scotland and educated at the University of St. Andrews, where he read Medieval History. He is also a graduate of the Owner/President Management program at the Harvard Business School. Stuart speaks English and French.

Thematic Investors: Alan Bezoza, DigitalBridge on finding the shiny penny in telecom investing

Thematic Investors: Alan Bezoza, DigitalBridge on finding the shiny penny in telecom investing

In the fast-paced world of institutional investing, the speed of innovation varies across different sectors. However, in the realm of telecommunications, investment strategies are constantly evolving. Whether your focus is on the cutting-edge upstream products like carriers, data centers, and telecom companies, or the dynamic downstream products such as semiconductors and the intricate supply chain that supports them, this industry is always driving forward.

In our latest episode of the Thematic Investors podcast, host, Kieran Cavanna, speaks with Alan Bezoza, Managing Director, Liquid Strategies at DigitalBridge Investment Management. The conversation will touch on the evolution of the telecom sector, cloud wars (both 1.0 and 2.0) and the overall ecosystem, future trends, and a lot more.

Alan covers: 

  • how his early intellectual curiosity led to a career in telecom investing by blending an inner tech nerd with financial analyst expertise.
  • the demand for power, space, and connectivity in the cloud ecosystem and how the shift to AI is driving change in this area.
  • how is the industry balancing the power hunger of servers and the data centers that are being built to meet the needs. 
  • The power requirements for AI and the need to move data centers to areas with cheaper power 
  • what plans are in place by the likes of Google, Microsoft, and Amazon to enhance AI in Cloud Wars 2.0.
  • how the investment narrative in supply and demand change depending on semiconductor analysts vs. data center analysts.
  • why many analysts viewed cable as a product that couldn’t scale, and yet DSL ended up being the biggest loser in the telecom battle..
  • why are Comcast and Charter floundering, while T-Mobile and Verizon are adding almost a million subscribers per quarter.
  • why Denver is such a linchpin for the telecom industry.
  • Speculation on the future of telecom, chips, artificial intelligence, and longer-term increments.
  • And more!

Connect with Kieran Cavanna: 

Connect with Alan Bezoza:

About Alan Bezoza:

Alan Bezoza is a Managing Director of Liquid Strategies at DigitalBridge Investment Management with a focus on public equity securities within the Technology, Media, and Telecom sectors. Mr. Bezoza has spent over 20 years researching and investing in the TMT sector with a particular focus on the global Communications and Media Ecosystem, which includes media, cable, telecoms, mobile towers, data centers, communications technology, data networking, and their respective supply chains. 

Prior to joining DigitalBridge in 2020, Mr. Bezoza was a Partner and Sector Head at Dorsal Capital, a market-neutral hedge fund, where he focused on the Media, Telecom, and Communications Technology sectors. Prior to Dorsal, he spent over seven years at Janus Capital, where he was a Senior Analyst and Co-Sector Lead of the Communications investment team that included the Telecom, Media, and Internet sectors. Mr. Bezoza previously worked in equity research as a Senior Vice President at both Oppenheimer and Friedman Billings Ramsey. He has published numerous industry white papers, appearing in print and financial news outlets (CNBC, Bloomberg, WSJ, etc.), and has keynoted industry conferences. In 2005, he was recognized by The Wall Street Journal as a “Best on the Street” analyst for his stock picks in the Broadcasting and Entertainment sector. Mr. Bezoza started his career at Lazard Asset Management, where he worked on the Emerging Markets and International small-cap portfolios.